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What's Your Sign?

As I'm a few years deep into my teaching career, I've decided that teachers operate at various percentages every single day. Most days I'm a 110% teachers, I give my all and then some. By Friday, I'm dragging my lifeless carcass (aka sad, listless body) to my car, weeping gently as I turn the key, drive home like a zombie, flop onto the couch at which point I actually morph into a human pillow until my body is able to recharge. Most friends/family think I'm nuts and "I need to slow down." However, teaching is my passion, and I'm happiest when I'm thinking, doing, writing, working guessed it...teaching. So I give those people my stern teacher face, and I move on.

But I digress…I have worked with or come across all types of personalities and I’ve noticed much like an aura, you can see a hovering percentage sign teetering precariously above teachers’ heads. That percentage tells you how much passion and excitement that teacher has for their job.

The near retirement teachers are sitting pretty in the 25-30% realm (on a good day). They’ve checked out. And yes, I know…I’m generalizing. There are quite a few ‘near retirement’ teachers that are still giving it their all, it’s just like a rare unicorn to see. (I actually have a rare unicorn at my school presently. She is majestic!) Most of them have been working in their career for decades, they phone in the last few years, and then count down the days of their final tour of duty. It happens. But they are leaving and it is what it is. (Read: They are difficult to excite or support because they are too busy packing their boxes) (Also read: Still try!)

I’ve come across the 40-50% crowd as well. They tend to have a looming, dark cloud encompassing their percentage sign. These are the teachers who complain about anything and everything. These people hate change. They are negative. They can either be argumentative and/or withdrawn. They still teach and care about receiving a paycheck (hence the 40-50%), but they are no longer very passionate. You’ll see sparks from time to time, but overall they are like a soggy napkin on a cloudy day. These people will probably remain in the 40-50% arena their entire career because they refuse to evolve. They are the most heartbreaking crowd. Don’t give up on them though. Shower them with sunshine, share with them all the cool things you’re doing (even when they roll their eyes and scoff at you), and try to encourage them as best you can. You never know when one may turn to the light. For the kids’ sake, it’s always worth the effort.

I’ve seen the 80% crew. They are still quite passionate, but maybe need a change or an infusion to their daily routine. They love working with kids, but maybe aren’t sure of their niche anymore. Maybe they got too embedded in doing the same lessons year after year and they are on auto-pilot. That will drain a percentage right quick. These teachers need that opportunity to take on a leadership role or a guide to help them reignite their passion and get supremely excited again. There is hope for this crowd! They just need to be recognized by the admins and fostered. If they don’t have that guide, try to be the omnipresent voice that steers them in the right direction. (Read: You are good enough, you are smart enough, and doggone it…people like you. Now go get’em!)

Lastly, there are the 100% to 100+% crowd. These are your ridiculously passionate teachers who live, breathe, eat, sweat teaching. They, too, are rare unicorns. I think the baseline crowd is operating on a 90% (which is still pretty amazing!). But if you are a 100% or 100+% human, you need to find another 100% or 100+% human to help get you fueled. Being surrounded by lackluster percentages can be draining and make you question if your passion is valid and/or worth it. I’m so fortunate to have found a wonderful pod of 100+% people. It renews my spirit after a bad day; it challenges me to never settle or just do something because “that’s how it’s always been done.” They keep pushing me to be a better teacher/human! I need these people, and I hope they feel the same about me. Do I have some days that are less than 100%? Absolutely! We all do and we all will. It’s all about not letting that one day turn into two days, or three days, or more. Dust yourself off, reflect, recharge, and get back those percentage points the next day. (Read: Say to yourself- You are good enough, you are smart enough, and doggone it—people like you. Now go get’em!)

I hope this post has you looking closely at your colleagues and trying to decipher their percentage points. Then you think, “How can I help/support them?” I also hope it makes you reflect on your own percentage. What is your sign? What do you need to raise that number? If you can’t find anyone around you at your school to lift you up…pop onto social media and get a solid professional learning community, reach out to other teacher friends (think college pals), or find me on Twitter @amberattheshift I will shower you with encouragement and joy! I truly want to see teachers’ overall percentage be as high as they can be. It’s a mission.

Until next time….Be the change you wish to see in this world. Get out there and support and encourage those around you!


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